Section Rule for GSM Hardware Related Zone

Double posting NOT allowed

Double posting of any Hardware oriented thread is NOT allowed. By double post/thread we mean that application has;

1)same solving solution

Proper posting of application

Try to Add screenshot of every posted solution , and screenshot is not a preview released image, but an image captured while the service was in action. No screenshot directly from the own blog or site, upload it to other hosting site instead .

Fake NOT allowed

No Fake service manuals or service guides are allowed including 'Fake' releases. Habitual or consistent offender will be 'reprimanded', warned or worst get banned by Admins/E-fORCE without notice.

Regarding screenshots or images

Adding watermark or site id in images are strictly prohibited .Habitual or consistent offender will be 'reprimanded', warned or worst get banned by Admins/E-fORCE without notice.

NOTE: No member must act as moderator to claim their versions are correct. Members are allowed to send a PM regarding it to concern moderator or the admin who is looking after this thread and section. Open forum tussle between any one will not be tolerated.

Thread & posting

​1) Don"t Hijack Others thread.("Exception with Thread owner permission")

2) Don"t copy Link location from other forum for images ,Try to upload new to other image host or upload in our server.

3) Before opening a new thread, use the search function to check if there is already a thread with information related to your question.

4) When you post something, try to get pictures (screen shot) as well as a description so that other users may know what it is all about.

5) No double-posts of files, games, apps, videos, etc are not allowed. Such files will be removed. Double-post of the same message or comment in different sections of the forum just to get more views wont be tolerated, and the offending user will receive a ban for that.

6) Attaching in Megawrz server & using is recommended

7) Moderators & above Moderators rank holders has sole right to close,open,move,stick & delete any threads without prior notice

Pls Refer for global Rules [Only Registered and Activated users can see Content.
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